Welcome to the Computational Laboratory for Advanced Manufacturing and Sustainability (CLAMS).

School of Chemical Engineering
420 Engineering North
Oklahoma State University
Stillwater, OK 74074-5016 USA

We are part of School of Chemical Engineering at Oklahoma State University (Go Pokes!), led by Prof. Zheyu Jiang. At CLAMS, we develop advanced computational theories, methods, and tools, as well as systems-oriented solutions and insights to address some of the greatest challenges of our times, such as in Industrial Decarbonization, Agrochemical and Pharmaceutical Manufacturing, Digital Agriculture, and Sustainability.

Feel free to talk to us or follow us on social media if you are interested in what we do. For perspective students interested in joining CLAMS, please check here for any open positions and instructions to apply.


Aug 2024 In Summer 2024, Dr. Jiang delivered a virtual seminar in the PSE Seminar Series at the University of Minnesota (invited by Prof. Qi Zhang) and gave a talk at the ACS Fall Meeting (invited by Prof. Yuhe Tian). CLAMS member Alireza Miraliakbar and Dr. Jiang received travel awards to attend FOCAPD 2024 and gave a poster presentation. Dr. Jiang also chaired the “Design & Sustainability” session.
Jul 2024 In collaboration with Dr. Paritosh Ramanan, we are excited to receive funding from NSF’s Clean Energy Technology initiative for our project titled “EAGER: CET: Decentralized Algorithms for Integrating Decarbonized Chemical Process Heating with Renewable-driven, Electric Power Systems”.
Mar 2024 Prof. Jiang’s paper is among the top 10% downloaded AIChE Journal articles in 2023. This work was published in AIChE Journal’s 2022 Futures Issue, which features “creative early career researchers in chemical engineering”.
Mar 2024 A preprint on physics-constrained active learning for soil moisture estimation and optimal sensor placement is available here. This is a collaborative work with Prof. Bing Yao from University of Tennessee, Knoxville and Prof. Jianxin Xie from University of Virginia.
Mar 2024 We are excited to have Fangyuan Ma, a PhD student from Beijing University of Chemical Technology, join CLAMS as a visiting scholar. Fangyuan will work with the team over the next 6 months to develop novel fault diagnosis algorithms for industrial process monitoring. Welcome, Fangyuan!
Feb 2024 Invited and hosted by Prof. Cory Simon, Dr. Jiang visited the School of Chemical, Biological, and Environmental Engineering at Oregon State University and gave a seminar talk.
Jan 2024 In collaboration with Dr. Tony Cai, Chief Scientist at Fractionation Research Inc. (FRI), Dr. Jiang’s team received a two-year, $136,000 research funding from Oklahoma Center for the Advancement of Science and Technology to develop and prototype the real-time process monitoring and fault diagnosis framework to decarbonize industrial distillation processes.
Jan 2024 A preprint on fast, accurate, robust monitoring framework for fault detection and diagnosis of industrial processes is submitted to FOCAPD 2024 and can be found here.
Oct 2023 A preprint on data-facilitated numerical framework for Richards equation to model water flow dynamics in soil is now available on arXiv. The paper has been submitted to Water Resources Research, the leading journal in hydrology and water resources.
Sep 2023 Invited and hosted by Prof. Fengqi You, Dr. Jiang visited Systems Engineering program at Cornell University and gave a seminar talk at its Ezra’s Round Table/Systems Seminar Series titled “Toward Sustainable Food and Chemical Productions via Systems Engineering Approaches”.